First thing, stop posting multiple threads about the same event.

Secondly, this is how a Red Dragon Slayer host thinks. Anyone who's joined an RDS game is most probably farming for a starry garb,

not sure whether you have heard of it. It is extremely rare and takes multiple (100 +) runs to finally get one person in the whole party

of 5 to drop it. That could be 100 - 200 runs just for one person to get it. So you want to get a starry today and you want to complete

100 runs as soon as possible and you want the best team there is. Now lets look at you. A savage fox. That means horrible damage and

completely useless AoE. Most slayer hosts boot any class without a combo, let alone foxes. It just seems logical that he boots you.

A Slayer host thinks about how fast the runs can be done, not about whether you survive or not. Having you in his party would almost

be like being short of one player. Thats how much damage you can do as a STR Fox without an elixir.