Quote Originally Posted by Ruizhe View Post
I'm going to have to back STS on this one.
They released the content with the original intent of partying with friends, having fun, celebrating AL's 3rd BDay,
I'm guessing STS doesn't have any psychics who could predict that people would exploit this with multiple devices.

I'd say to STS, in the future, make sure to think of all possible exploits before you release content
just a question though .... what's the difference between opening yourself and open with friends ?
I would argue it's even faster to open with friends then self.
For example, if takes 1 hr to make 25 medium cake , so in the time it takes 1 person to make 25 cake, the group of 4 have 100 cake.

The group of 4 spend the same amount time farming and crafting as the person doing solo, but gained 375k each instead of 125k for the person doing it solo.