Quote Originally Posted by OPest View Post
I don't know what's in this post to disagree so much on it, whereas most of the things are correct -

Mages aren't support class, neither multipurpose it should be called "all powerful" class of pl
Tank - ya they can tank
Support - Ofc tremendous healing and revive, just get 3 mage team is indestructible
Damage - Best as few hits.

for Bears everything is intact as before, nothing has been nerfed, that's where ppls do mistakes.

and birds are seriously lacking damage, it's defense is not such high that can resist against dex bears or mages and damage is not adequate to kill em in the period that it can survive.

It's just funny how lower level teddies pop up in endgame and states "i think there is no overpowered class" & the ppls who never birds says birds are AS viable.

And lol, the families pop up to sate that magor mages are just fine, ofc they will as 90% guild turn into mages booting the rest of the zero point one percent active birds from their guild. and if ur favoring bear not being under powered which is true, why family bears got extincted? just mages all over.

and to end this , I'd say get decent elites, Itoopeo, because u cant compare enemies equipping pinks. and comparing with those, who are so much kd lover that if they have 10% doubt that they'll get 1 more death they won't even pop up from guildies, they won't fight unless they have full elites .
Mages would be perfectly balanced again without bonus dodge from set. Mages do so much damage now, that if I miss beckon and HS, and get frozen while trying to avoid the range of mage, I'm dead. Two dodges by mage changes a lot.

In case of birds mages dodge blast and repulse and then its okay to just insta-leave since theres no way the mage with 1100mana shield+ 650hp would go down before the bird.

And BTW your signature has a typo.

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