Quote Originally Posted by lucaskane2480 View Post
I'm having trouble posting the video to YouTube so I guess I'll just type it out. I do wt4.. Run in a circle (skipping all side rooms) I've found this is way faster and you gain more kills per hour than killing everything in the map. I adverage 1 minute and 40 seconds- 2 minute runs, gaining around 130-150 kills each run. I adverage around 1,000 kills every 15 minutes or 10,000 kills every 3 hours. I am a mage, so it could be different than other classes, but if you can average 2 minute runs you should be golden. Oh and try to skip the skeletons that come up from the ground as they don't count towards your pve kill count. This doesn't seem like a lot, but it definitely has helped me out a lot, just time consuming.
Whats your ign and how much pve do you have?