Quote Originally Posted by Dex Scene View Post
Para and eye gems are the strongest gems in the game which was only available for one event.
Therefore people who missed the event, have no chance to farm those gems. If one cannot farm for better game stuffs, a rpg game lose it's point.
What's the point of playing RPG games? To develop your character. But if they discontinue the best item it will not appeal new players.
Event rewards being a game changing item only serve that purpose.

Now if they give additional skill points, people who played this event will have upper hand over people who missed it or people who will join this game later.
They would have no way to get equal no matter how much they farm or do hardwork.
Since you are a TWINK, you won't understand the developing a character part but you will understand how every additional skill points plays a big factor in pvp.
So you're worried that TWO skill points will be a game changer? Let's take a moment to see what I can do with 2 skill points shall we? I could have either 10 int/dex/str , 2% crit/armour/speed/damage or a could unlock 2 skills or 2 extra skill upgrades. Doesn't seems op to me.
That aside, I also didn't say I would want it to be discontinued such as para/eyes have become, as you already said it would be unfair to new players.
You seem to believe twinks don't have endgame toons. Well I do and I know exactly what it's like to develop my character.