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Hey Zeus! We've tested out some of these bugs with the following results. Can you provide more information if you have any if you see any discrepancies here?
Bugs marked "Can Not Replicate"- QA can not recreate these bugs:
1. Eloia's Bow Proc adds a kill to TDM Score Board
If the bow procs, there will be a point added to the TDM score board while nobody is actually killed. Thus, making scores inaccurate.
2. Dragon Hunter Sword Stun Duration PvP
The Dragon Hunter Sword stuns longer than what is allowed in PvP. If you compare stuns, it is much longer than the intended duration and has the full PvE duration of a stun which should not happen in PvP.
Bugs marked as Solved or As Designed:
1. As Designed: Dragon Hunter Blades Proc Immunity
Dragon Hunter Blades will not proc if there is a stun immunity present. This leads to other portions of the proc not working as well, such as armor reduction.
1. Solved: Dragon Hunter Sword PvP Stun Immunity
The Dragon Hunter Sword ignores the 7 second stun immunity rule. This means that if there is a lava pool present, it will proc back-to-back on a user.
1. Solved: Notifications Do Not Appear On Screen
Notifications do not appear on screen. This can include duel requests, PMs, leaving/joining zones, etc, etc.
Bugs Marked as "In Progress":
1. Vanities Have Visual Bug On Preview
The vanity that you are previewing will often overlap with the gear that your avatar is currently wearing, thus rendering the preview option ineffective.
This bug will require a client fix, so a fix will be delayed until the next client update.