Quote Originally Posted by Exxotik View Post
Lol im kind of new to forums so i dont yet know how to reply/post that well but i wanted to say that i thought exactly the opposite. Tanks are actually rare and semi hard to find sometimes and rogues seem a little to good in pvp almost unbalanced and mages dont seems to crit enough to make up for the low amounts of health they have and the three seconds or so of the arcane shield doesnt give much time to take a rogue out. By the time that the mage has nearly killed the rogue in pvp the mages shield has worn off with the three second invincibility yet still has the some of the effects granted from the shield. If rogues were to be hightened and mages nerfed it would be more unbalanced and no mages would go in pvp much unless they are twinks. Thanks
also what he is saying is right old players want to be always top, although they are rookies.