ursothhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!
yay ursoth
good changes on the look!
i always wanted it to be changed
tiptop have jord weapon
is it vanity or is it coming back?
also good job on the eggs
hope sns go very cheap
anyway, talking about hauntlet, will the number of cannons at the end of hauntlet map be fixed?
always milking, no service
AL IGN: Extrapayah/Extraparah/Extrajelek
Support Shared Pet Stable Please!
Samael is coming ,,samael the boss 😯😯😯
Awesome! New hub! Is it me or does it kind of look like it's underground? Also, my guess about that cryoworm pet is that it will either be a gold tier legendary pet, a mythic pet, or a set pet for the venomous haste set.
Last edited by Kaziscate; 06-22-2016 at 07:25 PM.
Cool, gold time.
alright running some lb ursoth again and spend tons of money for a banner. i hope the banner is worth running and spending for.
I strongly suggest you cancel this ursoth event. That tiptop fellow is extremely rude and calls us noobs. He speaks very demeaningly & demoralizingly. This has led to many of us not running events in the past cos we was afraid to see him
Wow ursoth already? Thats why ive been seeing energy kit buyer and just think that it is too early and stuff lok
Kronos Divine Guild Development PICS HERE -- PVP VIDS HERE AL Retiree
Looks promising and I will purchase an sns if prices go down. But STS could you pls take care about that terrible lagging we are facing especially in the underhul elite maps ? Its not fun anymore....
Will the return of old arcane pets in massive cryos be cyclical or one time only?
Will there be more boss trophies?
Last edited by ilhanna; 06-23-2016 at 02:32 AM.
....more crafting slot fo new player please.. 25 slot isnot enough for energy essences. they want running event too...
Do not make the event to pay to win, make something that is fair to all players, ENERGY not be sold with platinum, only farm. there is just another way to platinum as goods exclusive events and others
Where is craft mania? :'(
Darn, Elondria looks completely destroyed. What happened?
Please I want Ursoth Assault this week, its my first time to participate that kind of event please
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