i have answered this multiple times,

thats the most important thing to consider in animalcy,
regarding aa

nekro is a ranged pet (stands behind and deals dmg) kelvins aa requires the pet to be right next to the boss as the stun radius of it is small
(smaller than nekros distance from boss)
therefore when u press the aa of kelvin slotted into nekro
aa actives but isnt close enough to the boss to deal its effect
basically its useless in ALL ranged pets.

here is a usefull example taking advantage of this, ranged melee pets

korruption is a ranged attacker and its aa makes a circle, but as its ranged, if ur a dag sword user, that ring isnt close enough sometimes to engulf all mobs
now slot it into a melle pet, when u press its aa, the circle has its centre at the pet, and pet is right next to mobs, does full effect of korruptions circle and engulfs all mobs almost always, super helpful

melee pets are the best rn, for passives
ranged and a few melee pets have great aa
and look for good happiness bonuses,

rn i think all good melee pets should have slots opened,
sam grimm mari is great for this
swift gloom slink is good too.

and customise ur aa