Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
Honestly, guilds are not for just players who want an easier communication. There has to be some anterior motive. I guess if they want to shell out the cash they can have that, but making a guild and being a guild leader is a privilege not a right. This is something that I hope ST will make something worth while and benefit the members, so that the price tag will be able to reflect the worth.
As to your first point, I have to strongly strongly disagree. Guilds can be anything to anyone. You can not strike down the hammer and say, 'guilds must be this, guilds must be that.'. That is the same type of language that furrawn was talking about earlier, with Venom thinking that they make the rules. Maybe to YOU guilds are as you stated, but not to everyone. And should people not be allowed to make a guild if they don't conform to your guild creation standards? I think not.

Guilds should not cost cash, never ever. Not unless it's some meager sum like 1,000 gold. Being 'privileged' enough to make and/or lead a guild should not be about how much cash you have, once again - never ever. Some of us should come down off our high horses and consider the casual players and/or people that do not horde gold because they give all their spare items to friends.

I would much rather see a scenario where a group of people has to EARN the ability to make a guild, NOT buy it. Like a set of five maps where a group has to start from the first map and work their way through to the last map, with no skipping allowed, and the last four maps always locked. With different challenges along the way. For example, pots can be used on first two maps but not last three, or can only res at entrance for the first four, and death on the last map requires a revive, etc. Some sort of challenge that will put players skills to the test, NOT their bankrolls. With the final map having a very difficult end boss that drops an item, say a 'totem' that can only be used to make a guild.

I do not apologize if my wording was strong.