Quote Originally Posted by Avadonna View Post
I think forming a charity is a great idea. However, I see a few issues with limiting the charity to people who post and request it here. 1. We already know and like each other. If I were to ask for something I needed, I would probably receive three or four of them just because you all know me and know I'm not out to grief anyone. 2. I think, because we can not read anyone's mind through the game interface, that it would be extremely challenging to determine whether anyone was honestly in need. Following up on someone would be a lot of work, and take a lot of time, and I think there may be very little reward for you in doing that.

My suggestion is that you turn a begger into a worker by getting them to work for what they are begging for. For example, one day I saw a newbie bird and he had no bow. He was asking for gold. So I asked him what happened to his bow. He said "like a noob, I sold it." He made a mistake. I could have just handed him a bow that he could sell and buy a new one (I didn't have a bow that he could use.) I told the guy that I didn't have a bow for him, but we could go out and get one. So he followed me to a low level game, and we hunted, not until he got enough stuff to buy a bow... but until someone in our party found a bow that he could use! Every time someone new entered my game, I informed them that we were on a quest to find this bird a bow he can use. And you know what? It worked, and I had fun doing it and I think the others in my party had fun doing it. We found this guy a bow, and he didn't just stand around waiting for us to find one, he used his spells and worked with us. I hope that he will in turn do this sort of thing to help some other newbie. Maybe I kept him from giving up, who knows.
It will be easy to weed out the ones who don't want to work for it, if you just tell them you'll help them hunt, and they refuse to go with you.

There was a thread about a week ago where someone said they were board while waiting for the next campaign to come out. I was serious when I suggested to that person to create a quest for themselves. Boredom is a choice.

Friend me the next time you see me in game and if you come across a newbie that needs help, I'll join!

I don't have any opinions about the Lotto. Sounds like it would be fun for those who want to play.

You don't know me....
But just from this post (and others), I really like you...
I love the bow story...

And I agree.... It's good to involve new players in working for stuff they want...
Plus, I think being nice and helpful might rub off so they'll be nice and helpful to new players they meet