Love that yall are making a new game!

I know TONS of people miss the old AL, but what if STS created a new type of event to allow the player to go back in time to the 3rd expansion and re-live the glory days!!

Back2ThePast: This will be a 2 week event allowing people to go back in time to the 3rd expansion and get to use the gear, weps, pets and ect. of course when the event would end u wanted be able to bring those items back to regular acc! For sure sts should allow us to have 70k and 50 plat in the event to do whatever ur want or however many plat sts chooses to let us start the event because in the old expansions people would get daily gold they should atleast let us have some gold and plat to build from.

Rewards for best so and so: Since we would be able to go back in time we should atleast have some rewards for reaching some certain tier, killing most mobs , first to cap, or top of a LB for event, lets say there is a goal lb for certain things in the event and there are Leaderboards for the best of things that are on the goal list for 1st place,2nd place, and 3rd or even Top 10 or 50 and u are top 10 u would get a VERY SPECIAL item or vanity or anything else to go towards ur regular acc for after the event that u would be able to keep forever and of course it would be non-tradeable, or if ur top 50 u woukd get a banner to keep on Regular acc in these days!!

I really think this type of event would bring lots of memories to Former Veteran AL players and be able to show new AL players what it was like back then! Feel free to add suggestions, i know this would be alot of coding and time but it is Worth it!! TY