Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
Hey folks, Winter wraps up tomorrow, and we would like to know your thoughts.

- Was it too long/ short?
- How was the Energy crafting time?
- How challenging were the Leaderboard requirements?
- How were the rewards?
- What other feedback do you have?

This year we are going to be buffing out some of our minor events (more on this later). Your feedback will help us make them awesome!


- g
Thank you very much for this thread

  • Personally I like events that are 2weeks long. Keeps it tight to reach the goal, and maintains the economy.

  • I would really appreciate if you can reduce the crafting time to 1hr, and make essence drop such that at-least 20 to 30 essence can be farmed in same time.

  • I leave it to the LB guys, I didn't run for it.

  • I liked the vanity you guys designed, it was cool. But, other than that I did not find any other item worth the tokens. Token shop is a motivation to run the event. For eg. I continued playing the Ursoth event even after reaching plat tier, to bag an extra Hero little bear egg. I played winter event till gold tier to get the cute rudolf egg. After that there was no motivation, so basically I only played 1 week of 3weeks of event.

    Most of the 2017 event rewards were a let down, compared to the cool rewards from past years. I mean just look at Yeti, Golem, Medusa, Para stones and all those cool banners. Please make banners for every tier in events, keeping the plat tier banner 2nd best to LB.

  • Please don't keep platinum tier as it was in winter event going forward. Please keep it reachable.