Quote Originally Posted by Nightwatched View Post
In this post you said that when ghost items where released the price of certain LB sets fell..
You are basically putting a value in gold for it.. The people who should say no to variants of LB vanities are those who wants to preserve the uniqueness but not by estimating market falls for a different set because of another.. This puts you in for a merchant..

I treasure those vanities on how they look.. Even though i dont have it.. I would never unequip them (if i had) even if all the people around me had it..
And ofc i would NEVER SELL IT.. Unlike you

And dont say we dont put that much effort into game.. Ofc many people have paid tonnes but dosent mean releasing something that even said will LOOK DIFFERENT and also NOT LB should trigger you this bad..

I would give you a tip:

Sell all your LB vanities soon or else you might face a huge merch blunder..

Would things still be unique if it was worth 1,000 gold and every account had multiple recolors of it ? If you owned a rare collectable or rare vanity I think you would understand. *no salt/drama intended*