You do know that only collectors will have these armors (crier heraldic etc.), them knowing it can be turned into vanities will make them even more expensive, thus them grasping it more. Basically it will be rarer as collectors would say that these armours would feel like "bound" to them. Not even sure if most collectors would want to craft them into vanities.

Lets take for example a rare crier for rog (vest), that cost about 100m+. If they would add this "vanity shard", I can assure that the demand of these vests will be so high, that the price is imaginable, perhaps at the range of the Spirit and golem sets even.

Price will also depend on the availability of the "Vanity shard". A good way is to add them to the top10 players per class in events, they could be tradable or not, they could also have limitations, like lets say it can only be used on items above lv10 and such.

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