Quote Originally Posted by Rauitri View Post
We need Pvp. I bet the majority of new players have never experienced a true alive bracket.

Pve was fun at first, as it gave players guranteed profit with the introduction of Maus and goldloot. It became tedious and repetitive seeing the same people/map and strategic style to finish the map.

We can say that we "Mastered Pve" as we players learn fast enough to easily just make the best composition and follow the same one over and over.

The re-introduction of Pvp should have a wider option in terms of builds/pets/gears/strategies and team composition. Less boring and a higher retention from us.

We wouldn't feel like our enemy is always a computer, but instead other people. People need a change of game mode, Pve being the only one alive is legit useless. We earn gold buy vanities and stand in towns. Or earn gold buy better gears to finish maps faster and whats the goal really? To earn more gold/loot?

We Players need a break of doing Pve for 2years. Give us pvp back or a new game mode.

The "Pvp" in the fester outpost is too messy. We'll only face traitors, more gangs, trash talks and big lvl ranges. Its informal thats all.

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+1 to this, maybe all we need is the fun of the old pvp, however I can't imagine fair pvp returning because of the class imbalance and op awakes. Maybe some rules/changes are needed to be implemented to liven up pvp. But meh, by looking on the current situation, it's really hard to do pvp when the majority of the players are focused on pve.