lol i come back to forums to see the helix debate still continues ��

as an ex-player it’s sad to see recoloured items be so encouraged. themythrise it’s a ****ty level 26 weapon that boosts peoples egos. all games have somewhat rare exclusive items that increase in price over time that others work towards. you’re mad that this item is so highly priced, but it’s at the owners discretion how they price their items. the game has countless opportunities to earn gold and you need to learn to merch.

you want a new and improved item but if this was the case you’d ask for new items rather than recoloured old ones. it’s obvious you want it for the looks and to make the value of helix null and rather than the purpose of it which would be to use it for pvp/pve. let the helix owners keep their weapon if you’re so bothered by it. you’re acting out like a spoiled child who can’t get what they want when they want it instead of earning it like everyone else. i noticed too that classic red bath set came back too so this game is really losing its ‘rarity factor’.

i don’t own a helix nor do i want one by the way. anyway just my two cents on the situation. also i understand the ‘it’s impossibly high so there’s no way to earn it’ argument. that’s tough luck baby, we can’t have everything