Quote Originally Posted by iunar View Post
as for this, you should read up on birkin bags investments and apply that concept here. just because they’re priced at one thing at one point in time doesn’t mean they’ll stay that price forever. you can’t judge how people price their items, nobody tells you how you should price yours. yes, it sucks it was a level reward item that’s now super high. other games have exclusive sets/prizes from release date that become extremely expensive later on in time. tough luck. if you want it so badly then work towards getting it instead of coming on here and essentially causing downward spiral on game’s economy. people are too focused on instant gratification and don’t want to work their way to anything these days lol it’s sad
Well whatever birkin bags are I do not know and can't be concerned either but I don't see any need in complaining about stuff returning for plat because they're not exactly exclusive and even if they came in certain events they can always come back at anytime ..the sooner DL players come to terms with this fact I think it will be better for everybody and talking about grinding LOL ..you don't even know what it means to grind and not meaning to start any sort of confrontation but don't talk about grinding when you weren't exactly independent as a player js