Quote Originally Posted by flashio View Post
Mythic Shield L81: chance on attack to proc a shockwave that will push enemies away dealing tremendous damage and taunting nearby enemies, the players heals back a 30% of the damage dealt by the proc. Charged attacks will have a higher chance to proc along with an added effect of pulling taunted enemies and stunning them for 3 seconds (0.5 in pvp). (Craftable; recipe lootable from Eel's summit).
Mythic Daggs L81: chance on attack to proc a shadow clone that will pierce through the 3 closest mobs dealing heaving damage and making them unable to deal critical hits for 5 seconds (2 seconds in pvp). Charged attacks will have a higher chance to proc along with an added effect that will summon 2 extra shadow clones, these shadow clones will pierce through the 5 closest enemies dealing tremendous damage stunning them for 3 seconds (0.3 in pvp), once the shadow clones disappear they leave behind a healing pack each that will heal the allies that stepson them by 50% the dmg dealt by the clone. (Crafrable; recipe lootable from Eel's summit).
Mythic gun L81: chance on attack to shoot 3 homing bullets that will hit follow and hit the closest enemies for 2 seconds, these bullets will increase in size as they hit enemies, when these bullets disappear they explode dealing extra damage, stunning enemies in range for 2 seconds (0.3 in pvp) and inflicting them with mana burn for 3 seconds. Charged attacks will have a higher chance to pro along with an added effect that adds 1 homing bullet, this bullet will have an increased speed from the other 3 bullets as well as a higher damage output, it follow and hit enemies for 5 seconds and once the bullet disappears it will stun enemies in range for 3 seconds (0.8 in pvp) inflict mana burn and pull enemies. (Craftable; recipe lootable from Eel's summit).
New stuff added to the "Gear" section