People, are you serious? This is what makes a game, it being challenging. Havnt to work for the best gears should always be how it goes. Personally I think that killing th drop rates will make people appreciate all the good drops they get not just throw them away and ask to try and give away as lottery gifts, everyone having the same pinks is what kills the economy. Making it where it is really hard and time consuming is how they will stabilize the prices and make it where these so called "legendary" items are actually legendary, not just another item that eveyone gets or can farm for in less than an hr. We should be happy that it's so hard to get these. I also think it will help pull together the groups and guilds and allow people to work together not solo everything, mmos are about teamwork and playing in an online enviroment where ppl can play together, if I wanted another rpg where I soloed everything and didn't interact with ppl, one where I got all the good drops, I would just go google one. This is where teamwork is formed. And for the bosses being hard, good! It will bring together the people that for teamwork to bring them down, no just a few combos to nuke them dead. Do y'all understand what I'm saying?