Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
In the case of the Kraken Bow from what I see they're not missing; the shots are being dodged. This may sound like a distinction without a difference but: miniboss and boss monsters typically have a lot higher Dodge % than minions.

In an environment with a high ping, it's possible that the closer enemies are not visibly closer when you fire the weapon. I think this is a more rare problem (and would be pretty consistent 'cause your ping would be yellow or red most of the time anyway so you'd probably adjust to the feel over time).

Making the Bow and Gun impervious to Dodge % would be a buff :-)
Dont think its about dodge, it simply seems to have smaller area of effect for splitshot and targets 4 targets while bounty targets 5 (if im not wrong), it might seem negligible but its very noticable when playing.
Targeting - we r talking about when u r facing the boss but bow still fires backwards (idk is it cuz it prefers to target a group?), u could be standing still and facing the boss and it still happens so it doesnt seem to be about ping.
Damage - i wouldnt mind if damage is slightly lowered (like 10-20%) in exchange for 12s cooldown because rogues who run rahab prefer to use daggers because in normal party these days u alrdy have plenty of damage and lower cooldown of the daggers fits better for the 4 stages that rahab has, similar with other bosses even without "stages" there is plenty of damage in full party.

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