Quote Originally Posted by Sulphurea View Post
I wasn't aware AL became communist Russia lel where is written that everybody should be the same in a game like this? And once everybody gonna get everything and all will be able to do everything then what? You don't think that we all started somewhere at some point? Prices changed? Ofc. But 20m of 10 years ago where waaay harder to collect than what it is now to make gold. Took me literally months to farm mauso with legendary gear to save that 2m i needed for buying Nekro. Start understand that you can't get all you want in 3 days of "hard farming" as you call it. This general mood that all should be easy for all is absurd

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10 years ago, it was a different game. Thing’s do change in fact. Say if it was to happen, just remember that it’s a new year which means new adjustments could be implemented. With that being said I stand on change. Obviously I understand you’re not caring if others obtain and experience all the game has to offer. Sad to say but I’ll just say, people like you are the reason no one is satisfied. You also like to put extra words in that I didn’t state, that’s the only thing that was “easy and absurd” I see. But regardless whatever your talking about, people wanna be satisfied and farm for what they want with a decent drop rate. I understand that your afraid you’ll make less profit but know it’s not about that. It’s about new players of 2023. It’s a new year/game. Just sit back and enjoy the adjustments. On top of that, they all care about what the community thinks obviously if they’ve made changes recently. Who’s to say they will stop? But anyways you’ll realize to find out everything is changing for the better. As long as the AL community keeps pushing for what they want.

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