Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
Hey guys,

Some things to keep in mind when going to play Star Legends on Chrome.

1) You need the RELEASE version of Chrome 15. If you previously had the BETA version of Chrome 15, you will need to install the RELEASE version of Chrome 15. Get it from http://www.google.com/chrome

2) There can be a LONG load time when you FIRST run the game. Give it some time (like 15 minutes or more, depending on the machine you are trying to play on). You can always close the browser and re-open and the downloading & patching procedure will pick right back up.

Keyboard commands are built in.

WASD to move
Spacebar to auto attack
1-8 number keys to fire off your different attacks.

Have fun!
buttons 5-8 do not fire off skills for me, only 1-4 =\