Quote Originally Posted by Kalielle View Post
It's just - if I get dismissed from a raid in WoW for my low dps for example, I know I can't pay Blizzard a fee to fix it. I'll have to go and do things in the game instead to improve. And that's what makes it a game. If your success in game depends upon your success in real life, then it doesn't feel like a game anymore, and that's what makes me uncomfortable about it.
The thing is - with a segregation system, nobody in the 3rd category can dismiss you if you had no elixirs because they don't and people in the 2nd category can't dismiss you because you can't enter with an elixir. The segregation system would see to that.

I could however a rift growing between the permanent elixir and non-permanent, but as I mentioned, there are no barriers to either side.

Strictly, the people without elixirs can always level the traditional way if they wish and pursue the elite levels, collect the best pinks, etc. It's only that for a given amount of time spent, the elixir users will be more productive. Given that there will be less interaction in game, it should actually ease tensions somewhat. None of this is applicable as well in PvP where elixirs don't count.