Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsThis:515189
Quote Originally Posted by Pharcyde View Post
I'm at a loss right now. I'm looking for a casual game that is good. But none seem to exist anymore. I wish I could play extreme MMO's, but I don't think I can afford to give up anymore of my time to a lifetime videogame.
It's the reason why most of us are still here.

I wrote a long an in depth post on the matter.

It would appear to be one of the most popular posts around. But the fact that I did such a thing should give you an idea of how much I want this game, this community to succeed.

Have you ever seen the Battletech universe?

They aren't very welcoming to new players, but among the older ones ... many have been fans for over 10 or 15 years and have kept playing, many after marriages growing up, and a bunch of other things. In fact, they are so dedicated that they even modded a game to create their own because nobody would make another Mechwarrior series.

HOLY CRAP. Thats long. Toke me 10min to read the whole thing!