Quote Originally Posted by Pharcyde:515298
Quote Originally Posted by Aikiebo View Post
STS games win award after award. There is nothing wrong with the quality. Several people just today, say they can't find a better one.
Because STS is a award chaser. Aikie you need to wake up and smell the coffee bud. Or stop trying to convince us otherwise. Your level of experience with STS is minimal, and you are very biased. I have chosen a side after much though and consideration to ALL sides. Sooo do your research or stop saying the same thing over and over again.
Pharcyde, I can see that you have considered both sides of this situation. That is very true.

They wouldn't have won those awards if they didn't deserve them. Weren't you one of the ones who said they couldn't find a better mobile mmo? If, I'm wrong, I apologize. But, I thought it was you who said that you would quit and play a (pc) game if you had the time in your life to devote to it.

PL is not as massive as massive mmo's. It's a game for the phone. And yeah, it is the best one going right now. And STS is trying to keep it that way.

People keep asking for better content AND cheaper plat prices. How does anyone think both those things can happen?

And, yeah, I have list of grievances. Very short, yeah, but it's there. I just havn't wrote my post yet, cuz, I wanted to play the xmas map a legitimate amount of times before I formed all my opinions.

But, I can't buy all the things that I want to. I cannot afford to buy enough plat. When they raised the high-level xp anywhere elixr to 60 plat an hour, I felt like I had my teeth kicked out. I was so genuinely thrilled in real life that I can now xp in maps that were fun for me instead of being spoon fed content. I really was so happy. I mean feeling joyous. But then - POW. I spent the next few minutes picking my teeth up off the ground. Cuz I can't afford 60 plat for that, 40 for luck and 36 for 4x (or even 14 for 2x combo).

I was so sad. Then after few minutes, a feeling of relief washed over me. Cuz at that point I realized that I didn't have to feel guilty about not buying more plat. I've boughten plenty, but always wished I could buy more both for my sake and sts's sake. So, I just became content with playing alts when I get a hankering for these other maps.

But, yeah, like others I was looking forward to xmas. Had no idea was gonna be 2 plat a run. I thought someone was joking when I first saw that. I can't buy any more plat in Dec. I still need to get to 66, but can do that in Jan. So, I was thinking I'd use up the plat that I got. But, if I have to also do 40 plat an hour to get any pinks, I'm not going to be able to play xmas that much. So far no luck elixrs bought = no pinks gained.

But, why should I be MAD at sts because in my personal life I'm not in a position to buy lots of plat. This is not their fault. Sure I wish things were cheaper. But, if things were cheaper, they''d just have to come up with other ways to get plat. But, it is not their fault, I cant pay this kind of money to play.

It seems obvious to me, that they have a customer base that can afford to pay that. If that's true, why aren't people happy. We should be estatic, cuz they paying more of the bills than I am. (I would buy more if I could).

They are not being greedy. They have to make money for:

1. All operating expenses including
2. Salaries
3. Basic profit
4. Profit to satisfy their financial backers
5. Millions and millions to produce all this QUALITY, EPIC, CREATIVE content that everyone is clamouring for.

Samhayne said that not only do they have big plans for PL and SL but also making new games IN ADDITION to Dark Legends.

New games IN ADDITION to Dark Legends.

Why? Idk for sure, but I bet it is because there are many games being developed that will be competitors. STS HAS TO STAY AHEAD OF THAT.

STS not being greedy.

And, I've done research, actual research about this matter. I'm not any more biased than anyone else. Everyone saying the same thing over and over.