Quote Originally Posted by BodMaster View Post
Please don't comment on something you obviously have no clue about.

New content will change this, if StS implemented something from the hundreds of suggestions once a month or every few weeks more people would continue playing. Even something as small as cutting down the drop rate for any 'epic' item would increase the amount of players that stay on.

Do you know what the meaning of PvP is? Or even the issues that the engi's have? The engi would be power houses and stand a good chance at dominating PvP if the skills worked how they should..

Your ignorance is what we will see more of if this continues on..
First off this is a discussion thread, I will post where I please on topics that I feel I can add something useful or helpful to. I really don't care of your "opinion" on whether or not I have been around long enough to "have a clue". Changing and updating at the whim of a user because of a complaint leads to catering to a select few instead of the masses, and a game that is a monster to maintain. It is STS's game and they should try to accomodate the users of their product when possible.

2nd of all even powerered up, the classes in pvp are not equal. They serve a specific purpose. Engineer should pvp against engineers of a similar level. And commandos shoud pvp commandos. Next complaint will be "my level 10 engineer can't beat a level 41 commando, we need sts to powerup skills to make it fair" or some such foolishness. It's not the system it is how it is used by the community. Perhaps sts could add more filters to pvp so players could be more selective on who enters a game for fairness (a class filter)

it's not ignorance when someone doesn't share your point of view, it's a difference of opinion. Healthy debates solve issues.
Good day to you sir.