Just started thinking about this after I got done with some CTF and headed to town. While I was in town its was one of those times of day when its heavily populated. And I've never really given it to much thought but everyone looks completely different lol.I started to notice that everyone makes their character to their unique choice and liking.
-Hair color
-Hair type
- Vanities
And I think its just the neatest that you can use your Avatar to represent you .I mean if you wanna be know around the server you get amazing pvp,pve stats and show people your skillzz.....lol. Or you wanna be the tough guy? Patch up that eye, grey that hair , and scar up that face lol. Some go for a theme, an exampl, I dig the pink theme. So my character has s pink background and pink hair, and she's the more cutest for it ! I even seen people spends thousands of cred just to get a look lol. This one little turd (Gison) I saw running around town as a construction worker O_o...LOL.Had the whole outfit...Hat, pants, shirt , helmet, Nail gun....

This is your identity, it will go with you FOREVER lol...jk! But its very important,its what people recognize you as , much how they do in RL.So don't be lazy and use the auto naming system, be ORIGINAL please lol. Tired of seeing "Lkdshjttvb" lol....or dumb stuff like "ChickenInk" or one of those weeird names the system gives u like "Queswarmo" lol....

So I'm challenging you! Be creative, don't afraid to do crazy stuff with your character!, and have fun hehe!