Quote Originally Posted by McBain:789353
Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
I actually don't think I'm going to do it anymore. Apparently 263 was the magic number for me. Reached that number late last night and then played about 6 hours today and did not get one single ichor all day. So I've about had it. I think I'll just wait until the next level cap comes out and merch until then.
I gave up at 70, so you're a much more patient person than I. Seriously? 6 hours and not a single one?
The whole random drop rate is dumb not the quest. I hope that spacetime studios learns from this. Make it more but not random. There were times when i went 12 without seeing one drop. However kept telling myself i was farming dragon gear and not doing the quest lol.

One good thing that comes from this is that only the really determined and hardcore will earn it.