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Thread: To all you oldies out there :)

  1. #1
    Senior Member giayuan's Avatar
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    Default To all you oldies out there :)

    when i joined PL, ao2 had JUST came out.
    can someone tell me what life was like before the servers were merged?
    and also before a02?
    was it like now, all waiting for new dungeons or farming? etc.
    and what was IN Fnord itself, i hav absolutely no experience with Fnord (answers preferably from Royce =) mhmmmm)
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    Guardian of Alterra Royce's Avatar
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    Going to bed. Tell ya tomorrow  601
    Quote Originally Posted by conradin View Post
    To doubt Royce, is to doubt your sanity...
    Quote Originally Posted by TwinkTastical View Post
    Royce is right, You are WRONG. Live with it.

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    Senior Member jonboy's Avatar
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    There was no way as much greed.

  4. #4
    Guardian of Alterra KingFu's Avatar
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    Back then, no farming was around, well, it wasn't called farming, and people weren't that determined, there wasn't any rushing dungeons, pinks were very hard to get, and very, very few people in the game would run around cussing in town. Hardly any greed, when you'd log in, you'd see everyone you knew, and few you didn't, there was no such thing as noobs because everyone was one pretty much! The community seemed nicer, it was a time before stash, a time before trade, and a time before a lot of the other special content we have now. Fnord was the same exact thing as alterra pretty much, just a smaller server, and it had a rumor that it had easier drop rates

    Back then, there were a thing called scammers, not the "he sold me an overpriced pink" scammer, but someone that would basically say, oh, I have this item (sometimes it didn't even exist, just sounded cool because they made it up) what item would you trade for it? Then they say "ok, give me that item, I give you this one" and they would ditch with your item, but that rarely happened, few people were scammers.

    Back then, everyone wore gem staffs if you were a Mage, and hybrids weren't around, plat wasn't available, it was 1 or 2 dollars for each expansion, the game was debatably better then, but it has grown, a lot. I could go on and on about how it was back then, but what I really remember were the gem staffs, if anyone might have a picture with a Mage wearing a gem staff from way back then before the graphic change and swamps, I wanna see it, I want the memory revived I remember looking everywhere for the staffs, I forget if gifting was out by then, I don't think it was. I can't remember how I got the mastery one eventually, but I did. Now when I'm talking, I'm referring to fathom days, I could talk about LE days, or swamp days if you want, it wont be as long since I remember fathom days the best.

    Btw, anyone remember Loso? I miss him he went to the navy, and I heard he'd come back, bur it's been a while :/

  5. #5
    Forum Adept haroldiv's Avatar
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    fathom crypts was cool but i was still a total noob then, lost expedition was neat but i was busy that month and just lvled through. what i was most fond of and to me is the "good old days" was when swamps came out.

    Ancient swamps was a huge leap in graphics and immediately felt like a whole new world. The levels were very hard too and the big open areas were very scary. It forced players to actually learn how to play the game. warriors could not just auto attack since there were so many mage bad guys, Elfs couldnt just go nuke crazy or they would meet instant death and birds had to learn how to kite extra bad guys while the group took down a boss. You might hear players mention "Frogmar the witch", she was the hardest boss PL has ever seen. You new guys have no idea, seriously. She used to be right in the beginning of one lvl and was the only boss you could get to without a lot of dungeon crawling. So we farmed her. Only problem was, she literally 1 shotted every elf, almost all birds and hit bears hard. We had to learn to max buff and avoid her nukes by letting warrior take the brunt, rushing in and blasting, then backing off. true MMO tactics.

    It was also the time of the first major exploit. You could stomp or fireblast your way out of the map. This alone was awesome. the world just kept on going and going like tron. eventually if you ran far enough you would enter a world of pure yellow. very disorienting. but anyway people would use this to run around the outside of a map, aggro all the bosses, run back the the start and walk back into the world. within seconds all the bosses would show up one by one and mass farming was born.

    And WOW the gear! At first it was pretty cool but then they started adding a lot of stuff. For the first time we were able to choose what kind of stats we wanted. bowmages became king with mambozas (5 ms leather) and the bayou xbow. Warriors became untouchable in pvp with full dodge sets. There were a lot of cool things like that but you have seen cooler stuff by now. It was just awesome for use because we used to be stuck in the world of....

    Jewel Thief < Snipers
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    And that was it. Nothing else. Anyway, its late and im tired but mystics post got me thinking bout the "good old days" =)

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    Guardian of Alterra KingFu's Avatar
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    Back in swamp days, bowmages, and pure tanks owned pvp believe it or not, myst used to actually be a very good pvper, when he was a bayoutress I remember the knocking you out of the zone thing, but what was even better was the URSAN WAY OUT! I really wish this was still around, I remember, any warrior in any zone could pass a corner or any kind, stomp, and walk out of the zone! It was so much fun being level 18 and being able to solo LE bosses because they couldn't touch you due to you being out of bounds!!!!! This was in LE days, and was one of my favorite bugs of all time! Back then, I didn't know who the devs were, how to report, or anything, I just enjoyed the game, with Its flaws, and it's good parts! I feel as if those points are lost though.

    By the way, if anyone has a screenshot of the yellow part if you run to far outside of swamps zones that harold was talking about, I would enjoy seeing one since I never tried it thanks!

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    Some of my friends scammed pl by buying the maps on one iTunes account and login onto two different pl accounts an click purchase and get it for free because the maps had already been purchased....
    Then I quit for a while cauz I couldn't lvl past fh and my friends were like 30...
    Then they quit I regained leveled to 45 in about a week!
    Those were the days.

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    Senior Member BeardedBear's Avatar
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    Was just clearing out some people on the friends list and saw Reno/Renosis/RenosisI.

    Anyone remember him? I remember him being my first PL friend! He was a good guy.

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    Back when the rainbow robes first came out and they where so epic and jeeze the snipers bone crossbow from fat horn crypt owned my first ever 30 avian then I remember swamps I had 3 33s was to lazy to get the 35 did eventually but it was fun and fnord had like 15 people at one stage we farmed together (:

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    I remember when the Bone Armours were the Hot New Thing. And they dropped like crazy, because the Devs had set the drop rate a little too high. If you got a decent party together and ran the Mega Maze Mash-Up (monstrous end-level dungeon for the Fathom Crypts), everyone would have four or five sets of pink Bone Armour by the end of it. The Devs fixed the drop rate pretty quickly, but most of us managed to build up some serious stockpiles of Bone gear before they did so.

    Frickin' Dead Eyes would always one-shot my Enchantress or Avian. Archer bosses are tough ... unless you're a buff Ursan tank.

    We didn't have any pink or purple helmets. Seriously. Everyone was wearing green (or even orange) helmets because they were the best we had.

    Sniper's Battle Crossbow was the best weapon in the game for a while. Ah, memories....
    Characters: Epimetheus - Lvl 56 Warrior (main character), Atropos - Lvl 50 Enchantress, Aereus - Lvl 50 Archer
    I was a warrior before warriors became cool....

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    Senior Member vulgarstrike's Avatar
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    anyone remember swamps during 1.2.0?

    and where did crocop go?
    My Name is Vulgarstrike, SilentCries, Ordinary, Attractive, Investment
    Quote Originally Posted by Redbridge View Post
    you should be able to have some fun
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeardedBear View Post
    Was just clearing out some people on the friends list and saw Reno/Renosis/RenosisI.

    Anyone remember him? I remember him being my first PL friend! He was a good guy.
    Yeah dude ranosis and notalady was my first true in game friends. We farmed frogmar at swamps everyday trying for that hammer and all the uber rares. He was my insperation for keeping my tank a tru tank. I remember i liked farming with them so much it took my bear forever to lvl cuz the only xp ide get was during farming swamps. Btw notalady was the first one in game to get a pl shield. I see him on alts now and then but not often and not withen the last month or so. Renosis has not been on since a few weeks after pvp launch. Anyway he was great and gave me bear the pinks i never got during weeks of farming! Great guy and mayby nota and renos will be back one day. Would be cool to grind with em again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
    Ignore the haters.

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    Forum Adept haroldiv's Avatar
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    Pshh I'm notalady dude! Lol

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    I joined like a day or two before swamps was released and man....The swamps were the best...Everyone should have to play swamps before ao1&2

  15. #15
    Forum Adept SlipperyJim's Avatar
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    Yeah, the original Swamps were the best. Wide open maps, gorgeous artwork, and those @#$% crocs swarming you from every direction! After breezing through the other levels with minimal effort, the Swamps made us all stop and think about good tactics.

    Funny thing: As I have been adventuring through the Ancient Oasis 1 & 2, people keep asking me about my gear. Both my Ursan and my Enchantress were geared out in top-end Swamp pinks. (Epimetheus is now decked out in AO2 gear, but he kept using his Swamp stuff for a long time.) Most other folks in the Oasis (who aren't already lvl 45) seem to be wearing frozen stuff. They keep asking me where I got my gear.

    Are people simply skipping the Swamps these days? Is that why nobody seems to recognize my Swamp gear?
    Characters: Epimetheus - Lvl 56 Warrior (main character), Atropos - Lvl 50 Enchantress, Aereus - Lvl 50 Archer
    I was a warrior before warriors became cool....

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    Senior Member giayuan's Avatar
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    i myself use frozen stuff wen im on my alt alt becuz its better and easier to get than swamps
    wen i mean frozen, i mean elite dungeon frozen
    that is one reason maybe, but doesnt explain the lack of knowledge of swamp gear...
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    Senior Member Azrael's Avatar
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    Lost expedition is still the best map expansion to date (for the time period)

    Ogrim-lvl 50-Ursan Alta-lvl 45-Enchantress Broke-lvl 45-Avian
    Venom Website:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Azrael View Post
    Lost expedition is still the best map expansion to date (for the time period)
    Lmao coming from mister solitair who doesn't know the best way to have fun in pl- with a bunch of friends beating the c*** out of some hard baddie
    gaabob - lv50 pally/mage; gaabobtwo - lv50 dual bird; gaabobthree - lv50 intbear/strbear; gaabobfour - lv50 dextress; gaabobfive - lv50 bowbear; gaabobtwink - lv20 intbear twink; deathsparkles - lv20 bird twink; a mule; and a lv47 ao2 farmer

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    Guardian of Alterra RedRyder's Avatar
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    ahhhh the good old days, when everything was actually fun... now its just selling this trading for that spam everywhere now even in games -_-. when good friends were able to be made and contact was kept outside of the game. ahhhh the good old days...

  20. #20
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    earth towne! :D
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mysticaldream View Post
    Back then, no farming was around, well, it wasn't called farming, and people weren't that determined, there wasn't any rushing dungeons, pinks were very hard to get, and very, very few people in the game would run around cussing in town. Hardly any greed, when you'd log in, you'd see everyone you knew, and few you didn't, there was no such thing as noobs because everyone was one pretty much! The community seemed nicer, it was a time before stash, a time before trade, and a time before a lot of the other special content we have now. Fnord was the same exact thing as alterra pretty much, just a smaller server, and it had a rumor that it had easier drop rates

    Back then, there were a thing called scammers, not the "he sold me an overpriced pink" scammer, but someone that would basically say, oh, I have this item (sometimes it didn't even exist, just sounded cool because they made it up) what item would you trade for it? Then they say "ok, give me that item, I give you this one" and they would ditch with your item, but that rarely happened, few people were scammers.

    Back then, everyone wore gem staffs if you were a Mage, and hybrids weren't around, plat wasn't available, it was 1 or 2 dollars for each expansion, the game was debatably better then, but it has grown, a lot. I could go on and on about how it was back then, but what I really remember were the gem staffs, if anyone might have a picture with a Mage wearing a gem staff from way back then before the graphic change and swamps, I wanna see it, I want the memory revived I remember looking everywhere for the staffs, I forget if gifting was out by then, I don't think it was. I can't remember how I got the mastery one eventually, but I did. Now when I'm talking, I'm referring to fathom days, I could talk about LE days, or swamp days if you want, it wont be as long since I remember fathom days the best.

    Btw, anyone remember Loso? I miss him he went to the navy, and I heard he'd come back, bur it's been a while :/
    Nailed it. I'd also like to add how people didn't kick other players because of level, they just helped each other out.

    Flaimdude: Lvl31 Mage Flaimer: Lvl15 Arch Flaimior: Lvl14 Bear
    "If you're not careful asommers will catch up to you lol" ~Royce


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