Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
Giving away stuff is not my style when I quit. I didn't do it in runescape, won't do it now.

Why should I after dedicated time to the game? College is going great though, I just don't appreciate your hyperboles.

I used to post ~20 posts per day, now I post barely 4-5 times, some days I barely post at all. I don't play the game anymore, nobody sees me on, and if they do, it's usually just to collect holiday items and then I'm gone again.

I did say in my thread that I would linger around forums for a bit until I quit, so I don't see why you're getting worked up about it. I was very open about my intentions, so I don't see where you are pulling your misguided information from. Would you like me to quote the thread for you so you can re-read it?

Like I said, it shouldn't matter to you, so run along Seminole.
Giimme all your stuff, and run I shall.