Quote Originally Posted by Syylent View Post
I play Rogue, Warrior and Mage just like many people. The funny thing is most, say 90%, of my one shot kills come against other Rogues. If I can catch a mage off guard and get a lucky crit most likely they are dead. If they throw up the shield thingy, it is a toss up. Usually I just sit there stunned until I die. I was in a map last night where almost everyone on my side left. a mage 2 tanks and a rogue where running together. Mage stuns everyone.. warriors windmill everyone.. I did get to meet another mage solo a few times at the end. Short story... I made a new friend. Our fights usually ended with me killing him (never one shot him) then a few seconds I would die from his dot. The first time it happened my wife looked at me like I was crazy as I was laughing hysterically.

Warriors are fun. A good warrior and I am dead unless I get lucky crits. Usually I get stunned, then hit them a few times and die. If I try to run away I still die because they seem to be able to swing their weapon from across the map. These things are beasts. They can be a fun fight. HOR and VB are incredible skills couple that with smash and windmill and it is pure pain.

All and all it seems pretty even. My only complaint is the danged pets. Either allow them or not, I don't really care which just make a decision. It hard to justify any changes to class balance until everyone is on an even playfield. A person with Malison vs a person without? ha.. Although I do like killing them, usually I am one shot though.

Only played the mage a couple times so am not sure on the playability in pvp. I just know that the good ones I come up against are really good.

21,21,18 are the toons levels. They aren't maxed gear.. I am poor.

I played another game a long time ago. This reminds me of that. Basically a mage type was one shotted by a rogue type. Needless to say the devs nerfed the crap out of the rogue type classes. Afterward it was realized the mage type was sitting down (greatly increased damage) and was 20+ level lower than the rogue type. Funny stuff. Fix the glitches and glits.. stop the cheating and minor tweaks here and there to classes and all looks good here. It sucks to be stunned. I've always hated be stunlocked or mezzlocked... but that's the way it is.
very well said