Please do NOT make a new thread regarding any of these things. Nothing will be done on the forums if you make a thread.

Instead, e-mail support[at], replacing the [at] with @. Be sure to include the offensive character's name in the e-mail as well as your own character's name. The developers will look into the chat history of the offender and deliver them swift justice. If you're banned, they will give you the reason why you were banned and how long the ban will exist.

If necessary, please include screenshots if you can.

To take a screenshot on an iPhone/iPad/iPod: Press and hold the Home button and Power button at the same time.

To take a screenshot on a Droid-based phone: Download and install the app 'ShootMe' in the Droid Market. It's completely free of charge. Some phones may need to be rooted for this application to work.

'Bad behavior' suitable to report may consist of the following (but is not limited to): Scamming, excessive cursing, sexual misconduct, and racism.

Remember that NOTHING will be done if you create a thread on the forums about bans and bad behavior. Everyone will tell you the same thing and it will most likely be locked. Just e-mail support[at], replacing the [at] with @.