Quote Originally Posted by legendfb View Post
The hit % got saturated ages ago, the consequence is str players are dodging way much against everyone mid to endgame and birds are failing to do what they suppose/meant to do as a pure bird should deliver the highest damage than any other class overall, including the part where they should get less dodged due to their superb high hit percentage
You got a lot of things wrong in this single sentence...

First of all, hit% is not above 100 for every class in mid to endgame. Many Strbears and Pallies are well below. Other Str- or Intbuilds are just above 100 and it's stll important when birds and mages can debuff 35 and bears 60+ hit%. The only class that is really saturated are pure birds (with 160+%).
And what are you even referring to by "mid to endgame"?? up to lv65 classes are pretty balanced IMO (I have multiple toons of diffrent classes for every twinking bracket from lv50 upwards). So I'm gonna talk about 65+ mainly.
Also, how are the dodges a consequence of having hit% above 100?? The dodging is a consequence of the ridiculously high dodge itself.
And pure birds with a bow still have the highest damage output of any class at almost any level. They also have roots debuffing 70(!!!) dodge altogether so they tend to get dodged less if they have a good combo.
The only place where hit has actually become somewhat of a problem is on int mages (140+ I think) who can still kill birds and other mages with a fire+auto(or any dmg skill) even after being debuffed. For str it's just above 100% which is the way it should be IMO.

I hope I don't come off too rude but I think you are missing the real problem of high lvl PvP, which is the high dodge and damage.

Either damage and crit(on int and str sets mainly) needs to be reduced drastically, or we need more hp/armor for EVERY class. Or something in between.
Independently the dodge on str sets has to be lowered. 45 base dodge is too much, around 30 would be okay. Mages shouldn't rely on dodge need dodge anyways with their heal and shield, I'm glad it has been lowered this cap (should be around 10. if even). Birds dodge slightly too much and shouldn't get above 50 buffed IMO.
Dodge is a completely luck based stat and in combination with the uber high dmg in endgame PvP actual skill becomes less and less important. Very frustrating to see as a once committed Dexbird player.

So I agree 100% with the title; PvP needs a major revamp!