Quote Originally Posted by Chickenrunnn View Post
Hello there!

Nowadays, PvP is suffering from an awful disease, making many pvpers leaving game, due to different fates about the way we should be fighting.

Just yesterday, one of my best friends told me "I'm really bored of rushers, I think I'll just leave the game, I regreat old days when we could pvp peacefully without fearing to get his kdr ruined by some random players rushing and teaming, erasing our fun".
Since I don't want him to leave the game, and since I keep seeing, on forums, people complaining and wondering the PvP should be played, I thought about a solution - which may have been mentioned already - to deal with PvP problems and making everyone happy.


Solution :

1) Make a new Campaign called "Campaign Arenas (FFA)" and rename the actual one "Campaign Arenas (OF (organized fights))"
2) In the "Campaign Arenas (FFA)", duplicate "Campaign Arenas (OF)" maps.
3) In "Campaign Arenas (OF)", make a new system which makes that you have to
* Click on the person you wanna defy
* The person that you clicked on receives a mesasge "X defies you! Do you accept the fight?" "Yes No"
* If he clicks on *yes*, the fight can start, and the damage can be taken, if he clicks on *No*, the match can't start, and no damage can be inflicted to the opponent.
Note that if you wanna play 2 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 etc.., people you clicked on just have to accept to be able to make damage.
* Once you die, you can't make damage when you revive back.
* Maybe make like a live pannel where you see who has accepted fights or refused, and where you can cancel or accept fights.
* In "Campaign Arenas (FFA)", just don't do anything, let it the way it is right now


Positive Aspects of that solution :

1) No more rage, hate, insults, and forums questions about that recurring problem,
2) Rushers are happy, they can play FFA together,
3) People who wants to OF can play in peace, and train without being paranoiac, wondering if the guy standing close to him is going to rush him for no reason
4) Increase the status of ALL pvp levels, giving new game play.
5) Way more enjoyable PvP moments for everyone
6) Maybe retired pvpers come back.
7) No more teaming people that you call "noobs"
8) No more picking on newest players who don't know how to pvp, and no more "free killing" them, ruining their all-new kdr.


Negative points of that solution :

I really don't see many negative points.. Maybe,

1) New content and new programming to be made by devs..
However, look, wouldn't it be nice if old players come back, if there won't be anymore problem and complain on forums about FFA or OF fights. Moreover, many players will enjoy the PvP game play as they used to be.
2) Rushers would be really mad because they won't be able to rush poor innocent people anymore, boosting their kdr with unfair and poor sport fights. (is this truly a negative point..?)


Here is it!
I hope it is a good idea. Constructive feedback and/or improvements to the solution would be greatly appreciated, because I know that my idea is far from being perfect..

Anyway, I hope you guys like it. Besides, I hope devs will be reading this, and that they will try to make it real, because a cure must be found to this disease.

Thx for reading, and I'm waiting for your suggestions (I'll edit post if I find awesome ideas )

Cya soon on PL guys !

Nice idea :3 buuut the "campaign" is like another way to play? that you can fight in town or something like that?