+1 - I like the vote for map - thats awesome.

I think this is a great idea. A few additions:

1. Allow host to select "level range" vs the auto +/-5. Huge differnece when you have lvl 20 vs 25 or lvl 15 vs 20. Lvl 19-23 would be more realistic for example.
2. Instead of it being an FFA, make it where its single elimination per ROUND. Ie: 1 round = all of one team dead. This will encourage team players vs people just trying to rack up kills.

Would be awesome if PL had a "tournament map" where you could have spectators and go in a "winner take next" order. Ie: 1 vs 1, when winner wins, next runner up spawns to fight and winner is recharged with full health & mana. All spectators are "outside of the boundary" and can only watch. This could allow the game to host 20 players or so.

I bet PL makes the majority of its sales to PVP players but yet spends most of its time trying to attract PVE people. Textbook example of a poor business plan. If the game was more PVP oriented it would have a much more profitable and long term business plan.