Do you work for them or did you type all of that to tell me to take a BREATHER? ....As if I don't know that they're HUMAN....therefore they HAVE LIFE OUTSIDE STS.! Why tell me ALL THIS? THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I HAVE HAD THIS SIMILAR ISSUE...did you fail to read that?

Quote Originally Posted by LADYHADASSA View Post
STS in my view has the best customer service of any mmo i have ever played, with e mails hitting their office on a continual basis for three games all while fixing bugs, working on new content etc. a response can not be expected in just under two days, in your case they have to look into a possible issue with the system, seach your account etc. in order to solve an issue they have to look into them.

Alson remeber the time zone diff. And that they do take time off, they also have family. If you did not get an automated response check your outbox and make sure the e mail sent, i have had this happen and if they do not get the e mail they cant know.

I understand being upset and wanting what you thought you where getting now, but as with life things like this happen,

You will NOT find a game corp. who spends more time in taking care of isses than space time, they are in game, on forum, they send 1000's ( would be my guess) of e mails a day. They watch over players look into reporting of players etc.

Take a breath and know you will get a reply.