You know what the definition of insanity is?

Its doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results.....

So instead of blaming big STS, you should ask what am I doing wrong.. there are several things you can do such as.

-Are you paying on a mobile device? Its clearly stated when buying plat if I can take longer when using a mobile device.
-Are you making your purchase over wifi or 3g /4g? I think it goes without saying you'll have better results over wifi.
-Are you billing your wireless carrier or using a credit card/giftcard? i find when I bill my wireless carrier verses using a credit card I get my platnum a lot faster.
-Are you buying platnum directly in game with a credit card or using the platinum purchasing website? I personally have had issues when purchasing in game through the itunes/app market versus the website. (will paste link)

If you are doing all these things maybe try changing it up? If your not, then i would start

But you should be patient either way, mondays are there busiest day all backed up from the weekend.