View Full Version : AL Technical Issues and Bugs

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  1. BUG? or is it just me.
  2. Buy inventory slot with story token
  3. sell archon ring assault +6
  4. how this game will appear on windows phone ( nokia lumia 520 512mb ram) ??
  5. trade bug!
  6. glitch on skills map
  7. Gold amount missing from Trade Window. Bug to be fixed in patch on 1/17
  8. Whim IS seriously glitched!
  9. Tarlok gems
  10. Cant log into my account.
  11. Receiving all patches at every fresh log in
  12. Mobs damage glitching at Elite Arcanum Castle and Tower of Mardrom
  13. Omg some one help!!!!
  14. pets + % dmg stats bug !!
  15. Graphic bug
  16. Free plat offers isn't working
  17. Chrome very sluggish after patch
  18. Can't log in.
  19. Cant play on chrome. its says "Your graphics have failed to initialize!"
  20. Devourer bow
  21. Check out what i found :)
  22. HELP!
  23. Need Help
  24. In recent times
  25. Exceptional blood gem fail !!!
  26. Post review by moderator is taking too long
  27. Urgent questions on my android phone - compatibility, issues, installing
  28. Elite Captain Krom Map-Double Boss
  29. Friendlist Bug.
  30. Platinium
  31. Elite golden chest 2
  32. Banners
  33. My graphics are broken
  34. Scammer alert!!!
  35. BUG: Inventory: Displaying selected items
  36. Is there anyway to play on Ubuntu 12.10 or similar?
  37. Pet Lvling
  38. Arena bugged
  39. problem with snowy
  40. Help me fix
  41. Time Complete Bug
  42. [Arcane Staff]: Charged Attack = Low Damage & Slow Charge Time
  43. How to install an old Chrome version??
  44. ASK: net expert help me with connect trouble..
  45. whim update - broken
  46. New patch causes warrior skull skyward smash graphics to diminish
  47. Passive skill armor for sorc is bugged
  48. cant respec or trade
  49. Bugged?or programmed to work like this?
  50. [Issue] Active Buff Skills reduced health/mana in the ends
  51. Help - I hope
  52. Character Slot
  53. Account lost
  54. horton lost 10dex
  55. how to change email facebook?
  56. Arcane is broken
  57. Banned with no reason
  58. Banned for no reason?
  59. Inspect window stat discrepancy
  60. Entangled trap and Shadow storm shot (Rogue skills)
  61. HI!!!
  62. Why i can't log in?
  63. failed to connect to the arcane legends game server
  64. Purchased an ebook from Kobo, yet to receive 300+ Platinum
  65. maps goes down
  66. is there a problem with the tarlok helm?
  67. elixers being wasted
  68. CTF Bug
  69. xp lix from shaz on lvl 36
  70. Scrrible cyclone black
  71. First map of shuyal takes me to keyls...
  72. Razor shield's spinning freedom
  73. Promocode troubles
  74. turbotax plat offer not working?
  75. singe pet buff in pvp
  76. low levels joining our map and interrupting our play time
  77. My lep got scammed
  78. geting completely stuck
  79. Minor Bug - Elixir Sale Text
  80. Supergem glitch
  81. Skill Respec Bug??
  82. what's the best solution for the two men to the
  83. player admits to scamming
  84. Singes stun is not 40percent
  85. ctf pvp map turned to a flag exchange party and people are not fighting each other
  86. Arcanum Castle Quest Drop does not work
  87. Maneater and Wraith Heart
  88. Nordr Vanity Gear Price + first IAP
  89. Urgent. Plz help. With google+ login.
  90. Elite wraith heart bug pls fix!!
  91. Tribal Thief Gear Glitch
  92. Dooood look at this looook arcane legends
  93. tribal 70 plat bundle set for sorc
  94. Technical bug with the new tribal vanity in auction house
  95. Admin, i Really need help :(
  96. Tribal gear
  97. Castle Clash
  98. A moderator or anybody please help me :O
  99. Possible bug on the new expedition/jungle bows
  100. New tribal gun
  101. Rotating Screen?
  102. Crystal conquerer
  103. name creation error
  104. NativeX
  105. Possible bug on the jungle/expedition bows
  106. can join with facebook from pc
  107. Tribal vanity mixup
  108. tribal jungle guard bundle bug ...
  109. Outside of map glitch
  110. help me please
  111. Inan can't wait to enrage.
  112. Chrome Platinum Surveys Are Broken
  113. double capitan crom in elite map
  114. Bug on Jester Hat for Warrior. Not Tradable. See Attachement
  115. My app keeps crashing
  116. Bug when trying to message people. Half the time you don't see what your typing.
  117. Trade confirm button
  118. There's a small bug on Rogue vanity
  119. Charged rogue throws only two healing packs
  120. What's wrong with my account?? :(
  121. Stat window bugged(?)
  122. mage whirlwind
  123. HELP .. CHROME apps
  124. axe throw bug
  125. Does AL accept Amazon gift cards
  126. Keep Getting Disconnected. Help!
  127. anybody lagging?
  128. lag.. lag.. lag..
  129. Mythic Items missing
  130. Just a little something!
  131. platinum
  132. Purchased Platinum, never recieved
  133. Gmail to email adress change
  134. Glitch with the kraken vanity helm and tarlocks leather wrap.
  135. Scorch bug?
  136. Question about Scorch
  137. pets name blue ineparadise pier
  138. vanity bug for rogue still here
  139. pvp in bubble dmg bug?
  140. Help! Can't log in my account through fb!! >.<
  141. Text Dissappearing
  142. fully restored mythic armor
  143. [Bug] Can't get 35 Skill Points Achievement
  144. Chat Box Bug!!
  145. Scorch problem
  146. Help me regain singe egg
  147. Abaddon, The Mysterious Arcane Pet! [Technical Issue]
  148. Lol. What is this?
  149. Nordr. Jurn woods. Maneater bug
  150. My thread reply is not visible?!
  151. Still loading.....
  152. Game thinks im in a party when im not!
  153. [Hauntlet] where is the timer?
  154. Cant Go in to Game
  155. Whim not hitting 4 enemies at a time.
  156. I can't get platinum
  157. JunoWallet NatveX Platinum Offer (Android)
  158. Signature doesn't shows up.
  159. NativeX Not Showing Any Offers.. For A Month??? On My Ipad.
  160. Cant use the login on google +
  161. Quest Bug
  162. Admin please need ur help...lost my character..not banned just gone :(
  163. trialpay problem with game I think
  164. merchant zinger in stronghold
  165. pet level up, makes player stop walking and/or prevent player from walking
  166. Gleipner glitch
  167. Dont get platinium
  168. Cant play on pc by 3 weeks..
  169. Why in Arcane Legends with my Account say Conection Lost when my conection is good?.
  170. They Wont Give me Platinum
  171. bugs in rifle
  172. cant connect to server???
  173. new bow dont work on lvl 11 twink
  174. Buggy bows!
  175. Halloween ap bugged
  176. What is it?
  177. Weird shadow piercer action
  178. Pet Exp
  179. Cant log in anymore with my acc google... omg!
  180. Gladietor Arena Bug
  181. loading problem, help please.
  182. Game won't open
  183. Bugged Lockboxes?
  184. Locked crates give max lvl36 items?
  185. New legendary staff bug ?!?!
  186. 3rd enclave boss
  187. A new elixir glitch after expansion.
  188. No Lvl40 items at Story Token vendor
  189. New Daggers?
  190. Gruu the Exiled
  191. plats
  192. Low Exp on Tindrin Maps
  193. Mobs Bug
  194. framerate glitch or server lag!
  195. Can't connect through WiFi
  196. Any moderator please read I need ur help
  197. Arcane Legends down for maintainence
  198. Arachna Boss bugged after death
  199. "Elixir Wore Off"
  200. Nordr kill xp for lvl 40 or 41?
  201. Didnt get the 40 skill point ap
  202. When I log in game always updates itself
  203. lep pendants effect goes away
  204. Can't play game on chrome
  205. I can't lvl up from 36
  206. Camera Zoom setting does NOT save
  207. Cant purchase platinum?
  208. Found Krunch at Reef, not scaled..
  209. shuyal arena achievement s bug
  210. preventing low lvl players to join nordr is bugged
  211. Some one help!!!
  212. Skill Respec Gone?!?!
  213. Dragkin Teeth
  214. Tindirin glitch or new soccer achievement?
  215. Spider boss Respawn
  216. Guild suggestion
  217. Chrome
  218. Help!!!!!
  219. Gale Force 50% Armor Bonus?
  220. Why no pve kill credit!!!
  221. Minor display issue for capped toons?
  222. ??? Read
  223. Singe damage is bugged.
  224. A MUST FIX Bug!
  225. its bug
  226. Need help asap!!!!
  227. I knew I was hawt but...
  228. Game's big bug: Mythic helm upgrade problem!
  229. Selling glacian egg
  230. typo on an epic item
  231. Accidentally bought vanity
  232. lag superr on mobile
  233. Question about account transfer
  234. Server or Connection Problem
  235. Elite Map Selection Display Glitch
  236. 2 things
  237. Elite lost mages
  238. what?
  239. Arena bug
  240. Possible rend tail elite glitch
  241. Bug??
  242. Precise Preambulator achievement point issue (elite and normal)
  243. Bug or new miniboss like elusive 4?
  244. How?
  245. Platinum purchase
  246. Chrome grahics error "not updated"
  247. bug: devourer bow shoots arrow from foot
  248. Is anyone experiencing this from the healers?
  249. bug on arcane ring with SINGE.
  250. Chrome Cant load Still Stucks on 2%