I've seen this topic (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...2-bug-with-pvp), and more importantly JSL's message.

I wanted to make sure what he said about balance is true. Because, if so, sl pvp will be played by two classes. Well, played and won with a fair chance.
Why did healing got scaled down so much ?
How can that be called balance, when engis had their unique skills nerfed to almost nothing, while ops and comms have their skills working fine. Now, comms' vigor and ops' inner focus heal for as much as empathy :
empathy maxed heals around 70hp per cast (23-24 per tick),
vigor heals 75hp per cast when maxed (+15hp/s), not counting natural regen : it's as efficient and about twice as fast
inner focus heals for 80 hp for its whole duration (+8hp/s) : about as efficient

So, three classes' heals are about equals. No problem with that.

Although, coms and ops other skills give them much more stats buff (ops have precision and blur, though the latter is maybe somewhat less often used ; comms have increase mass and growing rage), and far higher damage than engi.
How can devs call that balance ?
If a dev see it, could you explain it ? is it really intented or will it be corrected in a next update ?

Admittedly, i don't know comms and ops way of playing pvp, as my only high level is engi, so if some who play the three could comment on the differences between the classes, that will help a lot.