Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
Ok, but explain to me why my repulse shot gets dodged when my crit is low and hits much more reliably when my crit is high. There's a lot to take into consideration. For example, there could be some kind of cap on crit, or even on dodge. Or perhaps there are certain codes written into armor sets themselves. Like I said, it's my firm belief that there are many hidden mechanics in the game and I don't think one simple test can disprove a theory with such a substantial amount of evidence.
Are you sure its that your opponent dodging the repulse instead of you missing repulse? Because now focus at 6 gives (I believe) 22 hit% which is not enough to bring a 51 RS/FF warbird to 130% hit. This means if you opponent lands a 30% hit debuff, you are capable of missing some of your skills. It might appear that you hit more because of the crit from Focus, but I think it is the hit% buff that does the work.

If that is not the case, then I believe the evidence we have so far is inconclusive. You cannot argue for something from pure speculation or the belief that there are "hidden mechanics". In the same way, I could argue that wearing only a weapon is better than wearing a full set because I managed to get a kill or two more w/o armor than w/ armor due to something called luck.

I'm not mocking you or outright saying that your are wrong but from a scientific perspective, you don't have enough data to validate your statement.