For 3 reasons.

1) wearing cave armor is super-awesome, and if it isn't your thing, it's highly profitable.

2) there's XP in them thar caves!

3) Do a search for caves to join. You'll find MAYBE three. Now...go to one. How many elite players do you find, versus how many low 40s, 30s, and even 20s?

Okay, it's not as easy as Bandit Hideout or CTK up to 53. The drop rate is pretty hideous, but frankly the drop rates in BS are only marginally better. Personally I feel bad about liquidating BS stuff, but nobody's buying it, and I don't really like the stats, except maybe for a farming setup to speed things up...

honestly though. It really seems like an elite dungeon with all the darkness and ambient sounds, the shadow beasts's cool, man. Balefort Sewers seems filled with a lot of normal mobs who are on steroids.

So, how about setting up a force?

-50+, with good armor and equipment. No Metallic, Battleforged, Havoc, etc.
-our playing times,
-a good cross section of characters, like 2 mage 2 archer warrior combos or something.
-an agreement to play Caves EVEN AFTER they get the loot they've been hunting for to make sure the group is outfitted before going to sell. Maybe going so far as to set up groups with players who each need something else.

here's my entries: I'm on PST and can be found doing something at some point during my day online.

Foofatooty, 53 Dex Mage, either in Sentinel/Shotgun or Mirage Keepers Enchantress.

Munobroby, 50 Guardian STR bear with a harpoon and a limbchopper. I don't play him much, but will field him if a tank is needed no prob.

Tengotengo, 51 STR bird with either the aforementioned Guardian set or Cyber dex armor with either gun or talon/shield combo.

I'm looking for all Shadow gear, Wing, Hax and Talon (although I'll probably just buy those sooner or later).

We would take the loot that's up for grabs and someone would stash it while we...i dunno. roll for it? I wonder if there's a random number generator script we can use or something....if 4 people are looking for a shotgun, and we find 2, we'd have to figure out a way on who gets them. Ideas welcome!

Anything that goes unclaimed goes back to the catcher to sell or do as they see fit, obviously. I also propose that we sell to each other at big discount, like 30-50% below bottom CS price, which is incentive enough to take part in it. For instance, if I get a shotgun that nobody needs, I'll sell it for 50kg to one of us, or 100kg+++ in market.

What else should happen here? a buy-in?

I'm blue-skying right now. Let's work on this!