Quote Originally Posted by Oezheasate View Post
Those upgrades wont make warriors unkillable, far from it, at the moment warriors get eaten in pvp, this buff would actually ensure that they would be a little more competitive, id suggest you try out PvP with warrior before you go around making assumptions as to if this upgrade would make warriors unkillable or not.
Quote Originally Posted by Pedgon View Post
Let's not exaggerate, please! With the other changes to juggernaut, I don't think we need such an OP "Second Wind" upgrade like you propose. The threshold from 25% to 40% with a 50% chance to proc is enough.

About cooldown, I totally agree..the 45 sec cd is ridiculous..30-35 would be fair/necessary, and like I said before, we will still have the longest cooldown in game. The duration of juggernaut should NOT be changed.
Yes CD time too long