Ok, I know one of these exists for the normal three, but this is based off the info I have found and playtime as both the classes.

First the Rhino paladins
Hey hornhead guess what you unlike the bear get two prime jobs. but they are sorta subbing for the Elf and the Bear. First your a prime strength class so you can help the bear tank. the aforeable saying. "first in, last out" applys to you. Charge in cause some chaos and tick the mobs off. after all your forced spell is a charge in. abuse that to keep your elf friends from being mashed, the chickens from the sad end of being baked into chicken strips and I as a vixen perfer you help me not have my tail turned into an outfit accessory. Tho I said two. you do learn how to heal and res so use them make it easier on the elf and if you do it right you and an elf can keep a bear and chicken healed and the elf out by feather head. if you can team work it well it saves on downing pots like water and the elf can half start clean up earlier. making larger fights go faster. I have no data on best stats but hopefully someone will reply it

Ok vixens its your turn.
your not a major made ranged class your ment for one major thing and hey sad to say we took feather heads single target dds monopoly away as not only are we as strong we have hamstring which if you class combo it...it hurts and its our class combo finisher. tho dont ever sit still to long we have moves to jump target to target like a cute fuzzy spiderman doing maximum spider. so its time we show those bears and chickens how fast death dealing is done. but we only wear leather so if you get low hp.. you run you run like scared little girls being chased by a stalker. tho theres a reason to turn tail the bandage skill. throw it and haul tail. you get hit it shuts off. I like to regen not spend all my mana just blowing on bandage trying to only to get smacked and have to recast. oh yes btw our best stats are dex then Int. dex ups most our attacks while int is bandage and poisons.

I did not go into the pvp aspect as I dislike pvp