Quote Originally Posted by Physiologic View Post
Pretty much agree with everything you've got there, the only questionable thing in my data was in the first roll (hit%) where MISS values (shown above your head) were really all over the place while DODGE values (shown above enemy's head) stayed around the same. An enemy's effective dodge (your hit% - enemy dodge%) should somewhat correlate with the MISS's but they haven't. I may need to do another run eventually to straighten this out.
That is the intriguing part. Somehow I don't understand where the hit cap is. Maybe there is a lower hit% cap if you're unbuffed. Say, maybe 90% or something. Then, when you buff up your hit% you can reach the 100% cap. Seems to me we (you, I won't feel the need to do it) have to run another series of tests to check different hit% when the base hit% is already >100 with and w/o buffing up hit.