Pronunciation (US):*
*Dictionary entry overview: What does cot mean?*
• COT (noun)
* The noun COT has 3 senses:
1. a sheath worn to protect a finger
2. baby bed with high sides made of slats
3. a small bed that folds up for storage or transport
* Familiarity information: COT used as a noun is uncommon.

*Dictionary entry details*

• COT (noun)

Sense*1 cot [BACK TO TOP]
A sheath worn to protect a finger
Classified under:
Nouns denoting man-made objects
cot; fingerstall
Hypernyms ("cot" is a kind of...):
sheath (a protective covering for a knife or sword)

Sense*2 cot [BACK TO TOP]
Baby bed with high sides made of slats
Classified under:
Nouns denoting man-made objects
crib; cot
Hypernyms ("cot" is a kind of...):
baby bed; baby's bed (a small bed for babies; enclosed by sides to prevent the baby from falling)

Sense*3 cot [BACK TO TOP]
A small bed that folds up for storage or transport
Classified under:
Nouns denoting man-made objects
camp bed; cot
Hypernyms ("cot" is a kind of...):
bed (a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep)
Meronyms (parts of "cot"):
leg (one of the supports for a piece of furniture)