Really nice video, a demonstration of how an archer rocks!

Apart from excellent Physiologic positioning and timing abilities, the video shows two things I learned only after long play:
  • Archer, don not be short on health potion. Yes, you can rely on mage healing, but if your style is enough aggressive (and appreciated) it comes a moment in the boss fight or the mobs group approach in which you must burn 2-4 health pot - this allows you to keep the attack position and continue to blast off enemies. If you retreat, save the pots but the rush or the attack dissolves in chaos.

  • Most inflicted damage come from skills (and combo). Because you never will have enough INT for a good M/s (and you never should spend money in it), you need a slow, constant mana pot usage. Don't let the stinginess leave your group without support because you finished mana.

Thank you again Physiologic, looking for your next guide !