Quote Originally Posted by Formora View Post
LOL. You made me waste so much gold! The whole team was thinking "die Elar" in their minds, and fire traps always got me when I was using 6k pots -.- I got 56 though... Eventually

We were a great team, hardly died to mobs/ boss (only to those darn fire traps). Well unless we were trying to kill someone on purpose of course (I won ) And gold fever could only get one bomb in before dying.

Here's what happens to me with gold fever :
- When I have the fever and someone is near me, I die most of the time.
- If I'm alone, usually I lose 25% health but sometimes it hits hard, maybe crit?
- When I'm in a team with moogiefoogie, mitsu, kujen and a mage I don't think any of us focus on breaking chests with orbs. Our aoe attacks usually take care of it.
Yeah I noticed that. When I go to runs with you guys its just so fast I don't even think about the chests. On Saturday we where clocking the average runs at 3:45 and the potted one at 3:08 I think.

I also noticed the person that gets hit with the fever gets stunned most of the time.