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  1. Add brood dragon timer
  2. Victoria's Secret.
  3. new
  4. House towns.
  5. mini map
  6. Mechatrax Epic gears
  7. new arcane artifact aura
  8. sum
  9. gl
  10. offline trade
  11. control loot
  12. cat vanity
  13. Brood loot 2019/2020 suggestion
  14. bio
  15. Up chance drop essense
  16. Vanity Idea's for the future
  17. World Map Suggestions
  18. Equipment loadouts.
  19. Ok Devs....Hear me out on this :)
  20. Fuse Vanities to Vanities and Items to Items to get aura.
  21. coat
  22. A Gender Indicator
  23. 6 energies
  24. Global Chat in AL
  25. remap
  26. guilds list
  27. Jewel chests
  28. Item Loan System Idea
  29. About Vales and A New Item
  30. Mage Vanity staff (which hides staff)
  31. Armor Holder
  32. faces
  33. Red portal info
  34. Better purchase options.
  35. Crate tokens
  36. Valley Boss
  37. Valley gates on lb?
  38. Viewing Furnishings
  39. New permeant
  40. Ice Throne and Walls as Guild Furniture
  41. Elondrian bulwark vanity
  42. Ingot and Chunk AA
  43. 1m ish gold Chest! (Safe trades)
  44. It's more of a new year request
  45. Set Amount to Buy From Vendors
  46. Set gifts to friends/pt/guild option
  47. House Settings
  48. Arcane Legends App for PC
  49. Options for armor and weapon
  50. Make energy essence/crafted kits sellable
  51. Need a Friends List Yell
  52. New phone but not optimized
  53. Searching up an item in your inventory
  54. Allow to use CTRL + V for PC version
  55. Please add a Damage Meter
  56. Allow Viewing Crafting Recipes While Slots Are Full
  57. add reptus life storm on
  58. More housing slots!
  59. Update ‘Vanity Vendor’ in the plat store
  60. Vardan Valley Vendor
  61. Rerelease Desert Assassin Set
  62. Suggestion: Altar of the Deep bound Ebon armor and helms...
  63. Boltag.
  64. Auras Based on Awakes
  65. Lvl 76 arcane aegis idea
  66. Change Kil'Joy's Health Bar
  67. Hotbar options to show/hide on UI
  68. Free Elixir videos on PC
  69. Add lvl 1 artifact!
  70. Add proc for legendary weapon too in future
  71. Mythic Valley Set
  72. Housing system ideas
  73. Red Raid Swamp Coins
  74. Housing/Guild.
  75. Text Descriptions on Items
  76. Melathrax AA
  77. To The Spacetime Team
  78. PvP Idea?
  79. valley portal party lvl req
  80. Do devs read the feedback pages? (Pvp)
  81. Lock onto enemies
  82. Pets!!
  83. Guild ranks
  84. Lovecraft 2020
  85. A New Idea to Reawaken old fashion Elite Egg Hunting
  86. A PVP Idea
  87. Bag of Boss :D
  88. Mythic Valley Set
  89. Do devs read this thread?
  90. Mythic
  91. Tap/Click On Stat for Explanation of Stat
  92. About Guild Idea
  93. Minimize On Screen Somberholt Points Box
  94. Turning old items into vanitys
  95. What does the pet give me? (Show automatically)
  96. Skull aegis kind of useless
  97. Tainted bonus proc needs fine tuning.
  98. Make Shoggoth Egg (Legendary)
  99. Disable altar until Hugthulu is dead
  100. Dozer aegis proc
  101. Arcane armor vs endless/tainted
  102. Request for Dev
  103. CTF Without Doors
  104. Bun- bun eggs
  105. ESG Gold Loot Back
  106. Disable exit portal
  107. Pet stats preview
  108. A good suggestion, in my opinion.
  109. Bring back the weekly raffle
  110. Vale tokens limit 50k
  111. Trade window colors
  112. Suggestion regarding Vanity holders
  113. 100 year Quest
  114. Gold loot elixers
  115. Status effects on bosses
  116. more housing slots for hideout
  117. Arcane Reppy
  118. More gold in our space.
  119. Gold Drop for Elite Maps for Low Level Players
  120. Regarding Swamp Temple Challenge
  121. Moving house stuff
  122. Haste artifact for goblin event
  123. Using 2 artifacts
  124. Banning
  125. Thread: This post is from Shadow106#7816 in discord he have so much cool ideas :)
  126. Alphabetical block letters for houses
  127. May i ask why my old account was banned? ?
  128. Suggestion for the new vanity.
  129. Skull dozer aegis
  130. New Arcane armor
  131. PET SKINS!*pet vanities
  132. stackable elixirs by gold
  133. Emojis in chat
  134. Complaint on Level 76 arcane armor
  135. Rent Items
  136. AH/CS improvement
  137. passive ability max level
  138. Arc weps in store, perhaps ?
  139. mythic 76 collor buffs proc icon
  140. Footlocker/Stash Chest suggestion
  141. Swamp temple event
  142. The Vardan Valley Gates
  143. Bring back Awakening event
  144. Elite gates -_-
  145. Wrong Thread
  146. Elite varden drop items eg gold elite, furnishing, etc. Similar as other elite map
  147. Elite arcane weapons 76
  148. Spiders of elite gates are bosses?
  149. Craftable Elite Vardan Valley Locked Crates
  150. Vardan Elite Improvements
  151. Battleground
  152. More customizable character
  153. Just an idea......
  154. Make elite vardan gate as raid zone
  155. 76 mythic rings
  156. Elite weapon recipes and crates
  157. Spirit rarity
  158. Jewel Elixir Event
  159. Special awake in mini event
  160. Badge of Swamp temple
  161. Valley vendor
  162. Spouse!!!!
  163. Orc Tag Sacks
  164. Mishi
  165. Changes for lightining jewels
  166. Sell/buy in cs as a set
  167. A lil ask
  168. Awakening Egstravaganza Again
  169. New 24 hour mini events...
  170. Coiffed Hairstyle
  171. Disco ball and lights
  172. Mutes
  173. Locked meade chests and Token vender Meade chests
  174. Preview pet's happiness bonus stats
  175. It would be great if this vanity come to game
  176. Glintstone Maul and Aegis to Vanities
  177. Surgical Masks Vanity
  178. Gold Sink Idea
  179. Dreamscape expansion no town?
  180. New setting.
  181. Updates For old vendors
  182. More Inventory & Stash Space
  183. Bar stools
  184. Suggestion
  185. Glow AA Imunity Dot
  186. Elite Jord
  187. Furniture Related Ideas
  188. Guild Furniture
  189. Last year’s advertisement
  190. Suggestion for a mini event
  191. Weapon Proc combination
  192. Show expire time on auc
  193. Reduce/Remove Points from Eggs - Easter Event
  194. Stable suggestion
  195. For the Nth time....
  196. Skull aegis
  197. I had to get those off my chest
  198. Blackboard for GUILDHALL
  199. Searching button on inventory
  200. Buying Items from vendor
  201. reduce damage or make a penalty
  202. dont stack the ss to ms
  203. For class discrimination
  204. Pvp replay system suggestion
  205. pls reduce dozer weapon damage on boss
  206. A thread for suggestions to the next expansion
  207. [Improvement] 1 of your friends are online
  208. Guild Content
  209. Crafting System
  210. Engine recipes plz
  211. Again!!
  212. Nerf heroic oconi aa
  213. Playing Laptop/Desktop for hotkeys
  214. Suggestion About the favourite button
  215. Gates elite badge
  216. Event Tier Points
  217. Ebon armor balance
  218. People Rushing in Event!!
  219. Bunny rabid vest
  220. Ghost party button
  221. Cage set
  222. improvement with pet
  223. A Speech about the game's current state
  224. Anti-Botting System
  225. New pet idea
  226. Dear STS Valley Vendor
  227. Remap button
  228. Make the auction house a safer place for bulk buyers
  229. Introduce a world boss
  230. Hardcore
  231. Hotbar
  232. mini map
  233. Title
  234. Hardcore mode remove ankhs/auction aps and adding hardcore event lb
  235. Currencies available in red eggs
  236. House Loadouts
  237. Hear me out
  238. Suggestion regarding the stable?
  239. Another Way
  240. jaguar
  241. pet
  242. enhance ping
  243. legendary gears lvl76 by vale tokens
  244. Massive Lock Bun
  245. Platinum Storage or Platinum Purchase Limiter
  246. Duggar daggers 76 NERF
  247. 2020 Suggestions
  248. Add search bar on crafting station
  249. adding pvp seasonal banners to the leaderboard
  250. Bring this event back