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  1. Cage set
  2. Guild MOTD option
  3. Crafting slots and hotbar
  4. arrow to choose rarity
  5. World Donation Event
  6. Zuxxii
  7. Pirate Booty strategy for not ruin the economy of the game :D
  8. pets bar search
  9. Quality if life updates and suggestions (NEEDED)
  10. Re - requesting/ suggesting
  11. Improving hot bar slot
  12. House Location
  13. 2020 item and event ideas for game
  14. Pets / Auction / Yearly Track / Guild Level / Capacity
  15. Please!!!
  16. Para Gem
  17. Allowing for partial access to Consignment shop in Hardcore Mode
  18. System messages and buffs/debuffs info
  19. suggestion about upgrades
  20. Combat Improvements
  21. Elite weapon proc
  22. Making this game more aktive with....
  23. Trading Window
  24. Make an "Elite" Shuyal Planar Arena
  25. Hardcore character stash access!!
  26. [B][/B] Add other player information in avatar
  27. Please...
  28. Reinforced Vardan Arena Event?
  29. Hot bar and skills
  30. Names
  31. Doz aeg
  32. Add A New Pvp Map
  33. Finding buyers sts
  34. Appreciate thread to sts team (Fixed login issue)
  35. Skill buttons enlargement
  36. Craft Legendary equipment to Vanity Wep/Armor
  37. color of s17 lb banners
  38. House suggestions
  39. Translation
  40. Guild Housing
  41. Festerfang Out Post Kill Message
  42. Is it possible to get the gear marked as 'favourite' to stay on top?
  43. STS forums question @Devs
  44. A Brand new Idea
  45. About Prince Levlar
  46. Levlar Experience Event
  47. Colored Guild Title
  48. Please have an option to disable system message
  49. Update Gold Purchases
  50. A perfect Idea For access your Friendlist
  51. Mythic weapons
  52. New location
  53. Goblin Crates
  54. Guided baron set
  55. NEW Nekro !!!!
  56. Dagger vanity suggestion
  57. Level of characters
  58. Arcane abilities of most pets
  59. Our Childhood- Event Suggestion
  60. mial system suggests
  61. Hc guild death notifications
  62. Bun bun eggs suggestion
  63. let officer decorate GuildHall
  64. Mini event calendar
  65. House Allowing to slot pets
  66. Sts birthday celebration update
  67. We need More Pvp items!!
  68. Fix Bug
  69. Arlorian home show list system
  70. speed set by tokens
  71. Test dummy (vanities-equipments-weapons)
  72. mage skill improvement debuff
  73. Arcane legends Subscription
  74. Damage Test
  75. New arcane ring lvl 76 feedback
  76. Hot bar color
  77. Horbar increase size
  78. Simple improvement to protect players
  79. Can we make the friendlist same across the same login?
  80. Portals in Older Maps
  81. once again!
  82. Fatima attack animation
  83. Guild Vault/Warehouse/Storage
  84. 6 Year Old Suggestion
  85. event bosses' loot
  86. Hotbar in AL
  87. How to Fix Class Balance!
  88. Hotbar size
  89. Heroic blacklight's ability cooldown
  90. Accidentally buying energy in event using plat
  91. Arcanite Korruption
  92. Not quite detailed
  93. Search option for members in Guild.
  94. Inventory/Stash
  95. Pet eggs / stable stats preview
  96. Countdown on Zavier
  97. Egg Scrambled map color
  98. All classes.
  99. All classes.
  100. Egg Event
  101. Pet egg slots
  102. New expansion theme
  103. Item Mechanics
  104. Search item on Inventory
  105. Expansion Theme Ideas!
  106. An idea to make elites worth farming
  107. Glow AA Sugestion Pvp Adjustment
  108. Display AA Cooldown on Pet Description
  109. pets lvlup by plat
  110. Battle Royale Beta Feedback
  111. Larger Home?
  112. Dropping elite gold runner chest in new map
  113. Could we get a notification when an item has sold?
  114. Altar Raid Coins
  115. Display proper numbers on descriptions
  116. regards to awakes.
  117. battle royal custom matches
  118. South East Asia Server Request
  119. Master switch for House items
  120. Pet xp packs
  121. Help those players who don't use gold loot in Valley
  122. new unlock map pvp
  123. Hotbars
  124. Guild event update
  125. Pets recipe
  126. Lord Frogs dream.. pet..
  127. Auction house past 99mil....
  128. More character customisations
  129. Ty for adding Squeakums n Squish to the Heroics table. However can they get small ind
  130. Play Again Buttom to LLS Mode
  131. Scroll bar for chests and whatever else that needs scrolling....
  132. Standalone version of the game
  133. Tradable Hardcore Reviving Kits
  134. Ursoth's event plat tier title reward bracket color
  135. Suggestion....
  136. Phantasmal Chest
  137. hmm
  138. Event banner in menu
  139. Disbanding guilds
  140. Feather in Profiteer's Helm
  141. Heroic SNS
  142. guild allying
  143. Massive Nightmare Crates
  144. Auction Chat A Seller Feature
  145. House Furnishing Loadout
  146. Mage artic shatter skill
  147. Honor pvp for the future
  148. Awakening option to increase AA time length....
  149. my take on pvp
  150. Vanity from Galaxy Far, Far Away
  151. crafting slot increase
  152. Auction Button
  153. Abandon Quest
  154. Hotbar Size!!
  155. Elite vardan/Deepmarsh maps
  156. Changes to the all time star samael
  157. Crate token vendors
  158. Potential QoL update for "ignore"
  159. Greensap Farm Exit Signa
  160. Add more languages ​​to the game.
  161. Numerical indicator for pet AA
  162. some vanity / item suggestions
  163. Info about your toon
  164. Guild Motd
  165. Upgrade the quest drop please :)
  166. Awake slots
  167. Boxing ring furniture or something on Guild halls
  168. renaming pet
  169. Gold cap
  170. Swamp Commando “Vanity Proc”
  171. Similar names in the market
  172. Farming Items Meta
  173. Another sets of vanity/equipment loadouts!
  174. Exit Button in PvP
  175. Shoes
  176. Mages buff
  177. New jewel farming system, ideas, toughts..what to change and what to keep
  178. Halloween lb vanity suggestion
  179. Guild hall button on the menu hub?
  180. Some suggestions on friend list
  181. QoL for Pets
  182. Bloodgrub's Doll Recipe
  183. Jewel farm
  184. Add more crafting slots pls!
  185. Ad lix during gates
  186. Pls close Elite Green sap farm map after boss dies
  187. Guild Bank
  188. Heart items
  189. Prevent reawakes in items
  190. Petition for face changes! or addition!
  191. Old events r kinda boring and repetitive
  192. Pets as furniture
  193. <Muted>
  194. Bringing my egg farm idea to this area
  195. My last Suggestion(Vanity Related)
  196. Hey Dev's (Please Read)
  197. A Crab vanity for Mage
  198. Mage Class Regarding Honor PvP
  199. Loot Table
  200. Copying Home Loadouts
  201. skill change on war
  202. A way to search crafting........
  203. Beach Brew Elixir.......
  204. Bosses evasive six
  205. Suggestion: Change Locked Crate Dropping Animation
  206. Twisted 10 Aps
  207. House Trophy
  208. Item Picking Filter
  209. Add Advance Level to 76
  210. What could make honor pvp better?
  211. Seasonal Lb Improvements
  212. seasonal lb badge size
  213. Moveable HUD
  214. More lines of text to write
  215. Haste awakening
  216. Issues with few dailies.
  217. Honor PvP
  218. Guild Banners
  219. Old Locks Designs
  220. Please Devs
  221. Vardan valley vendor!
  222. Weekly Shop
  223. Regarding Bows and Guns
  224. Rogue mythic roman daggers
  225. Give roman weapon ranged attack AOE
  226. Double XP Week
  227. Delete Trulle's Forest
  228. Rank PvP map
  229. Glitch on ranked PVP
  230. My suggestion about new expansion
  231. Suggestions of balancing locks...
  232. Condense Buffs
  233. Different Language Settings
  234. Covid relief banner
  235. Battle Royale/ Last Legend Standig Leaderboard
  236. Hardcore Mode
  237. Troll in pvp
  238. Average item value
  239. Super Elite......
  240. Hc impossible maps - And ideas :)
  241. Pirate Booty suggestion
  242. "Infinite corridor" map
  243. Booty clear message
  244. Pirate suggestion
  245. Create new message tab.
  246. @devs Awakening gem price.
  247. Move this plz
  248. Glintstone Staff's proc
  249. Free to Play and Pay to win Balance Suggestion
  250. Weapon Vanities